Wednesday, September 4, 2013

By Terry Brown Perfection (13) Ombre Blackstar +

Hi all!

As some of you have noticed, I was on a bit of a makeup break. Summer collections did not catch my attention and even though fall collections are my favorite in terms of colors...none of them wowed me. Sad to say it, but not even Suqqu, Armani, and other collections called out to me. It was okay, it was a break that I needed (I think). From time to time, I definitely feel we go through phases of makeup overload. You know those times where nothing is catching your attention...

Today I wanted to show you what I got as a present (yes I got it for free, not sponsored, but as a gift). One of the By Terry fall Ombre Blackstar eyeshadows. Sadly it's not in stores yet, but I figure that you guys would appreciate the quick swatch. :)

L to R: Bronze Moon, Misty Rock, Velvet Orchid, Brown Perfection, Bronze Moon (with flash)
I'll keep it short and sweet: Brown Perfection is definitely a velvet finish (very fine small shimmer), it's cooler in undertone than Bronze Moon, and definitely a deeper color. It's such a beautiful chocolate type of brown color. It's like the typical By Terry cream eyeshadows, it sets quickly, doesn't budge, and  it's a dream to apply. 

I'll report back on the new eyebrow mascara in terms of usage/application. I have shade 4, which is Dark Brown. 


  1. I only have Misty Rock but I swear to you, the formula is to die for! You just made me want to lick your arm again! LOL xoxo

  2. *fans self* Velvet Orchid, wow that color is too divine!

  3. These new shades are sooooo nice-I only have two of these and hope to add a few more-is brown perfection LE??
    These are the benchmark for excellent shadow sticks!

    1. I don't think they're LE. Most items that Terry makes in seasonal collections tend to be permanent. Buy ALL the Ombre Blackstars !!
